Services Overview
- MindPower - Understanding the Power of Your Mind and Why You Achieve What You Believe
- InnerPower - How to Think for Yourself, Make Good Decisions, and Stand Up to Peer Pressure
- MePower - How to Develop Soaring Self-esteem and Powerful Self-confidence
- DreamPower - Create Your Vision, Achieve Your Goals & Manifest Your Dreams
- Slaying Dragons - Learn to Bust through Fear, Mistakes, Failure, and Change
- Meditation and Crystals
- Essential Oil Remedies for Kids
- Creating Calm Resilient Kids
- Tailored workshops to meet individual needs
Parent Information Sessions
- Coffee Catchups
- Meditation at Home
- Aroma Touch for your Family
Private Coaching Sessions
- Individual Sessions
- Packages Available
- Family Discounts
Family Day Care
- Today's Child Family Day-care is committed to develop, enrich and stimulate every child’s strength, imagination, independence and abilities through creative learning, promoting physical, social, emotional and cognitive development.
Essential Oils
- Variety Classes
- Information Sessions
Benefits of Working with Today's Child
kids learn.......
to recognise and shift limiting beliefs
to live a life with integrity
to treat others and themselves with respect
to think for themselves and make decisions
to stand up for peer pressure and bullies
to feel good about themselves even when things don't go thier way
to believe in themselves even after facing disappointment
to see that they can change a situation where they are unhappy
to create courage and self-confidence
to cope with stress in different ways
to create and sustain healthier relationships
to increase their motivation
to create a vision for the life they want to lead
to set goals to make their dreams a reality
to make positive changes in the way they act, think and feel
to take full control and responsibility for their own happiness
to be happier and more positive about life
Ultimately, through coaching, kids learn how to become the master of their own lives.
Upcoming Events
More infomation on events can be found by clicking here
I purchased a ‘Bug off Bullies’ pack from Today’s Child for my 8 year old daughter who often feels quite anxious about school work and is a soft hearted gem that is struggling with some of the more assertive children in her class. We sat down and discussedthe purpose of the defence spray and the Bloodstone Crystal and how it would help empower her and give her the strength to get through difficult times at school. The next afternoon she came home very happy and told me that when she did a maths test at school she held the crystal in her hand felt so much stronger and calmer. It has had a wonderful effect on her. Thanks Nikki for such a fabulous package.
Hi Nikki, I just wanted to thank you for your help with Lily last month. Before we saw you she was easily distracted and found it difficult to concentrate on homework and in class. Since using the Focus oil we have seen a huge difference in Lily. She tells me it is also helping her friends at school, so I'm sure her teacher will be delighted too! Thanks again.
Thank you Nikki for showing Phoebe how to shine and for teaching me a few confidence building tricks too. We have seen such a big difference since the Today's Child workshop in Phoebe's self esteem and confidence. It is really nice to hear her say "I can do this" instead of "I can't".
Expressions of Interest Form
I am happy to custom design any workshop or course specific to any individual needs.
Please fill in the form if you are interested.